Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tre's birthday party

Today we celebrated my cousin's son's birthday. Tre turns three tomorrow, so Laurie held the party today. They are living with Granny Pat in the house my dad has been renovating to hold three more people. It looks really good. Feels very different, though. New rooms have been added, wood paneling removed, new carpet added. The whole thing takes a little while to get used to. I spent so many overnight trips there. We had wienie roasts, drove the lawn mower while pulling the wagon behind, picked blackberries, spent summer days on the lake getting "major sun," drank coffee with way too much sugar, played board games, put on plays, celebrated Thanksgiving, made crafts, walked in the forest down to the lake, fireworks on 4th of July, and so many more memories. It always felt like a vacation. It's the first time I've been there since Big Daddy's funeral in December. Even though the house was filled with friends and family and laughter, I couldn't help thinking about the one person that was missing. He always was so glad to see us come! I love and miss you, Big Daddy!

Now, to get to this celebration takes 2 hours one way. We loaded up the mom van and took the family to the big city of Grayson. We left our house, got gas, picked up my mom and headed out. As we were crossing in front of Nicholasville Road, Kendall said "Are we to the party yet?" Mom and I cracked up. We weren't even across town yet. She said I am tired of being in this car. She has never been a great traveler. Not sure how we made it to Florida with her last year. Kyleigh was of course the perfect baby. Never made a peep, except to laugh or talk to her toys. She is truly a blessing of calmness in my crazy life! God never gives you more than you can handle. I think he knew that if we were going to have three kids, this one better be easy! We deserved it after the other two.

Anyway, after 2 hours, one potty break (for Jeff), 30 questions asking if we were there yet and 2 Scooby Doo episodes, we arrived safely. Tre enjoyed his party and got a lot of great toys. Lots of good boy toys: monster trucks, skate board, Wii games, and a wheel barrow. We roasted hot dogs and ate cupcakes. It was great seeing everyone. It was the first time Granny Pat and my aunt Patty Jack had seen Kyleigh. I was glad to show her off. She was all smiles for them!

We stayed a couple of hours, then made the trek back home. The kids were real troopers. We stopped for a snack at McD's about half way. No one cried or fell apart all day, which is a real accomplishment! I am proud of them all. It was a great day to spend as a family. I am grateful for 3 precious kids who are worn out and sleeping soundly tonight. Tomorrow is back to school and work for everyone! It will come early. I am, by the way, convinced that I have the best baby in the world. She just rolls with the punches! Everyone should have a third child. They are sooo easy!

That's all for my first post. Hopefully I'll have time to keep this up. There are so many great things that my kids do. I want to post the highs and lows on here. Feel free to post comments so you can be part of this, too.


  1. really??? of all the people in the world do WE need to be doing this????? HA! LOVE IT!!

  2. Good reading your comments about Big Daddy's house growing up. I kept thinking if my grandchildren could say many of the same things as you did, and I believe so far so good! You and Jeff are doing wonderful, and you are right, the blog will come in spurts! Some weeks I have lots to blog, other weeks, not so much.

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging! It's a lot of fun!
